Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Romantic Essence

Heart in Hand

By: Bennie Hubbard

It runs deeper than oceans, it shines brighter then the stars. It can give you strength and embrace you and cloth you in an aura making you glow, seperating you. It desires you it wishes to live within you and unlock the essence locked and trapped, but it has the key to unlock you and make you blossom like a spring season rose. As angles fly upward so does your spirit when you experience the essence of romance.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Study, Obese mothers Have a High Risk Factor of Exposing Children to Asthma

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Article first published as Study, Obese mothers Have a High Risk Factor of Exposing Children to Asthma on Technorati.

Loving Mother, Loving Parent

Author: Bennie Hubbard
Published: October 10, 2011 at 7:57 pm

A study conducted by both Australian institutes and Umea University in Sweden, covers an estimated 129,000 mothers and 189,000 of their children, the study found that very overweight and obese mothers, had a 61 percent increased risk of exposing their children to asthma by the time they reach the ages of 8-10

"We found that there was a clear increased risk of childhood asthma, medication use and hospitalization with increasing degree of obesity and overweight in mothers in early pregnancy," said lead author Adrian Lowe from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute and University of Melbourne.

Lowe also went on to say: "Obese mothers had a 41 percent increase in the odds compared to normal weight mothers ... those who were a little overweight had 18 percent increased chance."
Lowe explained that maternal obesity increases the child's risk of obesity, which influences the infant's immune system and its responses toward allergies.

"The results suggest that campaigns to reduce obesity prior to conception may have a beneficial effect on childhood asthma," Lowe said.

This study was published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.


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Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Study says breast cancer screenings should take place at age 25

Article first published as Study Shows Twenty-five is Ideal Age for Breast Cancer Screening on Technorati.

Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer, New study

Author: Bennie Hubbard
Published: October 06, 2011 at 10:01 pm

A new study published in the journal Cancer says that screenings should begin as early as possible, as young as age 25. Genetic mutations BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the focus of a potential problem that may occur later in life.

Daughters of women who took the synthetic estrogen drug DES are at a high risk factor for breast cancer, also even other cancers and problems, reported in the new study. In 1971 the DES drug was discontinued, the ones affected by the drug are at a risk of having up to 12 diseases, reported by the New English Journal of Medicine.

Andres Nugent a participant of the Miami seaquarium annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month observances, was quoted saying, "It's breathtaking. I mean there are no words to express this wonderful event that they provided for us here today. It's something I've wanted to do my entire life and just couldn't afford." Andrea described how incredible the event was and how much she enjoyed it, also pointed out it was something she wanted to do her entire life, "Be a participant at a Breast Cancer Event".


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